My Side Effects
Learn about how through appropriate nutrition, you can relieve symptoms and side effects, as well as give your body strength to fight the disease.
Some side effects
Learn more about it
The cancer patient does not have to face the problem alone.
A Guide To Cancer Diets: Battling Cancer With Nutrition
Eating a healthy, balanced diet helps give your body the nutrients, calories, and strength it requires to fight off diseases.
How Cancer Patients Can Benefit from Exercising
Exercising according to medical advice is great for patients’ rehabilitation and well-being
Tips for Safely Preparing Food for Cancer Patients
Carefully choosing items and keeping a good hygiene when preparing meals are essential to avoid contamination.
The Importance of Caregivers for Those Undergoing Cancer Treatment
With treatments’ side effects, caregivers can help in everyday chores and keep patients safe.
Managing Symptoms Caused by the Disease and Treatments
Making certain dietary changes can help managing symptoms, reducing general discomfort, speeding recovery and improving quality of life.